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Writing a Good SEO Article: 4 Tips

It’s not easy to write a good SEO article, or is it?

If you are trying to increase traffic to your website the best (and only) way to attract the most search engine algorithms is through the use of search engine optimized (or SEO) articles. However, the ins and outs of SEO can be as tough to learn as a foreign language for a lot of people.
Here, I will review four important tips to keep in mind as you begin to build the articles and backlinks that you need to your website.

TIP 1: Spend Time Researching Keywords

SEO is useless if you don‚t use the right keywords for your product/service/website to attract the types of customers that you want and need. Determining keyword phrases, however, can be tricky so it is important to use programs such as Google‚Äôs Keyword Analyzer to help you along.
Another important factor to consider is the length of your keyword phrase. Research has shown that over a third of all search engine queries use a 2-word phrase. The next most popular is the 3-word string (26%), followed by 1-word (19%), 4-word (~13%), and finally 5-word (~6%).
Knowing these statistics is another important step in formulating the right keywords for your articles.

TIP 2: Pay Attention to Keyword Density

There is a fine line between too much keyword usage and too little. Too much will cause a search engine algorithm to cast you out as spam. Not enough will leave you hanging forever in internet land with no traffic to your site.
Therefore, it is just as important to use keywords in your article as it is to not use them. A general rule of thumb for keyword density is 3%-5%. Consider finding a program such as DupeFree Pro that will help you generate keyword analytics to test your articles.

TIP 3: Don't Ignore the Art of Writing

One of the mistakes that a lot of early SEO made was in creating what is known as black hat SEO. Rather than concentrate on quality of content, marketers and webmasters stuffed articles with keywords, spun them with programs or cheap labor and reposted their useless, barely readable information.
This creates a problem from the user's perspective since they get no substance from the pages they click. It creates a problem from the search engine's perspective because leading users to these pages creates distrust in their results. Finally, it creates problems from the business's perspective because people don't want to buy from people they don't understand.
The bottom line here is that rankings are important, but they are not everything. Once you have determined what you want to write (keywords) you need to then determine how you want to write it. That means creating content geared towards human beings, not algorithms.


TIP 4: Keep Your Business Goals in Mind

When writing good SEO articles, the ultimate end game needs to be apparent and focused upon. Only you know what you want from readers, be it a quick sale or a long-term relationship. Therefore, the content of your article and its marketing pitch need to be on par with those goals.
Your online enterprise needs to have a clear business plan that will drive the content and the purpose of your articles. Remember, it is not all about the rankings here, you need to bear in mind other objectives too.
Conclusion: SEO and You
Writing SEO articles to build your rank on search engines is an absolute must for anyone who wants to engage in an online business. Therefore, you need to clearly evaluate what you need in terms of these articles and whether you, your partners, or an outside contractor is the right person to deliver it.
Being on top of the search engine is a breeze if you know the right steps to take. It is not that easy if you are a newbie and doesn't know how and where to start. You can search people and look for SEO experts who can manage to put your website on top of search engines such as Google and Yahoo. You can also learn techniques from them that might be helpful for you in the future.
How will these tips help you write a good SEO article?
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How to do SEO

How to do SEO Article Writing to Rank Well
SEO Article Writing Tips

Whether you are selling your own products online, affiliate products, or simply just wanting to get your website found, you need to make sure you get LOTS of visitors to your website. Getting ranked highly in the search engines is easy if you know the right steps to take. SEO Article Writing is the first thing you should be concentrating on doing.
 Why Search Engine Optimization companies charge a fortune
Because they can!  More details
Search Engine optimization companies can charge their clients a small fortune to get them on Page 1 or 2 of the search engines. Put in perspective however, if they are getting you on page 1 of Google, your telephone will certainly ring red hot and people will be ordering by the bucket load if your website is designed well. Put this way, what SEO companies charge is not so bad if you consider what it can do for your business.
One thing that I can reveal they use extensively is SEO article writing and marketing. SEO article writing provides a quick and easy way for companies to whizz you up the search engines with minimum effort on their part. The most difficult part can in many be cases be generating an invoice to post to you!
Here I am going to show you how they do it quickly and effectively, and how you can achieve exactly the same without the expensive consultancy fees.More details
 What You Need to Know about Search Engines and How to Rank well
All search engines rank your website in their results based on their own complicated algorithm. The number of these factors usually numbers over 100 and nobody really knows what they all are - we can only eliminate and find out by trial and error. What you need to know though, is that by FAR the MOST powerful of these factors is having other websites create and add links to their site, pointing to your website.
If you consider this for a moment, it makes logical sense. If a website has chosen to add a link pointing to your website, the owner of the website probably liked your website enough to add a link to it - and the search engines agree with this. I cannot understate that the more QUALITY links you have from other websites pointing back to yours can make a MASSIVE difference as to whether your website appears on page 1 of Google or not at all. SEO article marketing is one of the best ways to do this.
 Getting started with SEO Article Writing More details
SEO Article writing is usually done by writing a single or couple of articles around the keyword(s) you are targeting, with a link to your website at the bottom of the article. You then post these articles to a combination of blogs and article directories which then creates links back to your website. The search engines will usually find and index the article in their database. Each link back to your website counts as a "vote" to your website. The problem with this however, is that each link gets a value, or "weight" judged by the search engines. As you have posted duplicate articles with links back to your site, the weight of these links will be lower than if each and every article was unique.
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The most effective method of article marketing is to post unique articles for each and every article you post. This mean that the search engines see this all as fresh and unique content and will love the links to your site. When you put your unique links alongside duplicate links you can be sure that the unique links will carry more weight. They will also help your website rank higher and much faster than your competitors' websites. You can even outsource your article writing to save that job as well!
The best choice is an automated distribution service that posts your unique articles slowly and over a period of time to look more natural to the search engines.
 How do I do unique SEO Article Writing with minimum fuss? More details
Does writing hundreds of unique articles sound like a drag and likely to consume days of your time? I have recently used this SEO Article Writing service which can cut hours off the time needed. Don't wait until tomorrow, start your article marketing now! I recently used this service for my own website which is in the ultra-competitive website design field. You can be sure my competitors are looking to get one step ahead which is why I have not shared my keywords, but in just over 1 month, I am on page 1 of Google for 2 major keywords. To say I am over the moon is an understatement.